Sadettin Cesur, CEO of BTA Food & Services Group: “Gault & Millau will be a great added value for us”

Gault & Millau, one of the two most prestigious gastronomy guides in the world, announced at a press conference that it came to Turkey in cooperation with Sözen Organization. The press conference was held at Six Senses Kocataş Mansions Istanbul with the attendance of Gökmen Sözen, Gault & Millau CEO Patrick Hayoun and Turkey Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Özgül Özkan Yavuz. Sadettin Cesur, CEO of BTA Food Services Group, who attended the press conference, conveyed his thoughts about the arrival of Gault & Millau in Turkey to FoodinLife.

Speaking at the press conference of the launch held on January 11 at Six Senses Kocataş Mansions Istanbul, Cesur, CEO of BTA Food Services Group said: “First of all, good luck. Sözen Group has made Turkey known with tourism recently. The contributions of our chefs, especially new talents, in this sense are now being felt in the international arena. Therefore, Gault & Millau will bring a breath of fresh air. I congratulate Gökmen Sözen and the Sözen team. By starting the firsts in Turkey, he made important contributions to both the city’s cuisine and our country’s gastronomy sector with summits and gastronomy festivals. It started in Turkey and continued to Georgia and England. I know that he has been working for this organization for five years. Not only in the gastronomy sector in Istanbul, but also by spreading the guide to other cities, it will make it possible to see not only dining chefs but also other regions with food cultures such as Hatay and Gaziantep. It will be a great added value for us.”

Gault & Millau, which was first published in Paris in 1969 by two journalists and food critics Henri Gault and Christian Millau, stepped into Turkey in collaboration with Sözen Organization. Incorporating Turkey as the 17th country, Gault & Millau is considered one of the two most well-known and appreciated guides in the field of gastronomy. Gault & Millau Guide, which has gained a respectable place thanks to its strong gastronomy network, will start its field studies in Turkey in 2023 and will be published in 2024.

Believing in the authenticity of each chef’s restaurant, Gault & Millau continues to work with independent wine and gastronomy experts to rate restaurants and chefs. In pursuit of taste and talent for fifty years, Gault & Millau has eight regional guides, a wine guide and a champagne guide. Restaurants and chefs which are evaluated for the guide are given a score between 1 and 20 based on the quality and taste of the food, together with their separate evaluations about service, price and atmosphere of the restaurant by Gault & Millau. High-rated restaurants earn between 1 and 4 hats from Gault & Millau’s signature hats, depending on the degree of their scores.

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